
How to Fix A Proxmox VM In An Error State

Written by Adam on October 12th, 2023

Because sometimes it no go.

It seems like the ha-manager set vm:104 --state disabled command was commented out (due to the # at the start of the line), so it wasn't executed. Additionally, it seems like the VM process is not running since the ps -eaf | grep [q]emu-kvm | grep 104 command didn't return any output.

Here are the steps you might want to follow, ensuring each command is executed:

1. Disable the VM in HA Manager:

ha-manager set vm:104 --state disabled

2. Confirm the VM is not running:

ps -eaf | grep [q]emu-kvm | grep 104

You've already done this, and it seems like the VM isn’t running.

3. Check and Fix the Error:

Analyze the VM's log for any issues or errors that might have occurred:

cat /var/log/pve/qemu-server/104.log

Ensure the underlying issue is fixed before trying to start the VM again to prevent it from entering an error state once more.

4. Enable and Start the VM:

ha-manager set vm:104 --state enabled
qm start 104

Now, try to start the VM and verify its state by using:

qm list | grep 104

Additional Notes:

  • Ensure that there is enough resources (CPU, RAM, Disk space) available on the node to start the VM.
  • Make sure the storage where the VM's disk is located is accessible and has enough space.
  • Check the Proxmox cluster's state and confirm that the nodes see each other correctly and that the quorum is not lost.
  • If the issue persists, it might be worth examining the VM's configuration file for any inconsistencies or issues.
  • Ensure your Proxmox and its packages are updated to avoid running into known issues that might have been fixed in newer versions.

Remember to always have a good backup strategy in place to safeguard against data loss, especially when dealing with virtual machine management and troubleshooting.

Adam Malin

You can find me on Twitter or on Nostr at


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